An Analytical Study of organized and unorganized Retailing in India

An Analytical Study of organized and unorganized Retailing in India
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Organized retailers actually work as a retail outlet catering to varied needs of the customers. The purchasing pattern of the customer was changed recent days. Customer’s buying behaviour is influence by social factors, such as the group to which the customer belong and social status. In a group, several individual may interact to influence the purchase decision. Because of the outsourcing business per capita income of middle age population in big cities is rising fast and easier access to credit are bringing a change in consumption pattern. Retail shopping space is also growing exponentially and has increased to 54 million square meters The development of organized shopping malls has literally been a revolution in India. Retailing is one of the largest business activity in India and one of the largest sources of employment in the country. Due to drastic change in the behavior of the consumer, in the view of growing economy, earning capacity, less time and fast track life the emerging challenge for the retail in India and in Nagpur city is to maintain the quality in competitive rate structure.


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