An explorative study of the  expectant fatherhood  experience

An explorative study of the   expectant fatherhood   experience
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Язык: Русский
Although the pregnant mother and the baby she is carrying are predominantly the centre of attention during pregnancy; it is the father who has a particularly interesting position. The notion of fatherhood seems to encounter a unique sensibility towards its environment, which results in different ideas on fatherhood in every society. The constructed idea of fatherhood is especially interesting when looking at fathers in the process of shaping their new role. In the period of pregnancy this is an ongoing process in which expectant fathers continuously approach their environment with greater sensitivity. It is the fathers’ environment that becomes the centre of reference in developing his view on fatherhood. Considering the environment to be of great importance to the father in the pregnancy period, what happens when this environment poses risks? Changes affecting the contextually sensitive position of the expectant father are likely to be of influence on the expectant fatherhood experience. Irregularities in the direct personal and broader social environment will be approached as possibly given rise to ‘risks’. This research explores how risks are felt and managed accordingly.


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