Animal Husbandry in Ancient Indian Literature

Animal Husbandry in Ancient Indian Literature
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Язык: Русский
Indian agriculture is more than 10000 years old. History of Indian animal husbandry is older than the history of cropping. Indian literature is a rich repository of knowledge relating to all aspects of animal husbandry. In ancient India animal husbandry was flourishing like anything and was the basis of people’s livelihoods, socioeconomic status and happiness. Nowadays when animal husbandry is being visualized as the most realistic and safe method to reduce poverty of rural India, importance of the knowledge in this field can be readily realized. As a sub-sector of the agricultural economy, livestock play an important role in the development process providing draught and traction power for agriculture and rural transport, manure and fuel, raw materials for the manufacturing sector, high protein, and employment opportunities. This book by eminent Indian scholars attempts to document and analyse copious amount of knowledge relating to all aspects of animal husbandry. The book proves to be vital for the development of animal husbandry not only in India but in all geographical settings of the world.


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