Architecture, Landscape and City

Architecture, Landscape and City
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Язык: Русский
Gardens and parks are important open spaces within urban space. These “urban landscapes” are becoming increasingly important in the wake of the rapid increase in urbanization worldwide. At the same time, there is a centuries-old tradition of municipal parks, which have often become historical landmarks because they represent a specific example of the human cultural production. The book systematically analyzes from the perspective of design fourteen urban landscapes from the sixteenth century to the present as interim forms between city and country. The list of gardens and parks presented ranges from such classic, worldfamous examples as the Jardin des Tuileries in Paris, Regent’s Park in London, and the Potsdamer Gartenreich to the new green spaces of the present such as the Emscher Landschaftspark in Duisburg und River Park in Tokyo. The authors present a detailed analysis with descriptions, photographs, and drawings and are thus able to demonstrate how each of these parks made an important evolutionary contribution toward the contemporary urban landscape. Further, they provide a glimpse of future scenarios projected by current experimental landscape architecture.


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