Beliefs and attitudes towards male domestic violence in South Kivu

Beliefs and attitudes towards male domestic violence in South Kivu
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Язык: Русский
This research delves in the beliefs and attitudes towards male domestic violence in South Kivu province, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It highlights some different factors, forms, reasons and consequences of such violence in the province.This research used qualitative approach with focus group and in-depth interviews with adult men. There were organised two focus groups and two in-depth interviews. Fourteen men participated to these interviews. The research found that South Kivu men believe that asserting power and masculinity in the family in general, particularly to the wife is their right. This connectivity promotes the widespread of GBV in the province. The participants also revealed that society fosters men’s power and masculinity over family members. This actually makes domestic violence become a culture in the area.In combating domestic violence through education, awareness raising and law reinforcement and its fair implementation, family harmony can be recovered. This is possible if society motivates men to use their power and masculinity constructively, and if the victims are helped to restore their self-esteem, they can regain hope and break the silence.


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