Changing Water Treatment Behaviors using Theory of Planned Behavior

Changing Water Treatment Behaviors using Theory of Planned Behavior
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This research explored how a Western-developed behavior-change theoretical model could be applied in a developing country. Formative field research was collected in 2010 in Kibera, Africa’s largest urban informal settlement, located in Nairobi, Kenya. Data was collected through focus groups, a case study and direct observations. Recommendations were made for an intervention to reduce the incidence of childhood diarrhea. A campaign was proposed that promoted consistent and sustainable use of the Safe Water System, that is, point-of-use drinking water treatment and safe drinking water storage. Results revealed that it was indeed feasible to apply the Western model, Theory of Planned Behavior, as the campaign’s theoretical framework so long as key issues were addressed. First, barriers had to be reduced to increase self-efficacy and enable positive attitudes towards point-of-use water treatment. Second, normative behaviors and beliefs had to be assessed through a Kenyan cultural lens and adapted to fit within the context of the culture. This work supports existing research pertaining to the use of the Theory of Planned Behavior in the developing world.


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