Conflict Resolution In Africa

Conflict Resolution In Africa
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The formation of regional blocks and grouping has increasingly become a prominent feature of world politics, especially since 1945. This is because regional integration, peace and security, which they aim at achieving has increasingly become a framework for development of all continents all over the world. Africa not to be left behind in the race for development, which is brought about by integration, sustained peace, and security, established the Organization of African Unity (OAU) in May 25th 1963. While it lasted, the OAU failed to successfully integrate, solve conflicts within and among African States, hence its metamorphosis into African Union (AU) in July, 2002.In its bid therefore to promote peace, security and stability, the African Union (AU) have intervened in some of the numerous conflicts facing the African continent since coming on board. The most disturbing amongst these conflicts has been the conflict in Darfur –which has been described by, the U.N. as the worst humanitarian catastrophe. Consequently upon this disturbing situation in Darfur, the African Union (AU), hurriedly deployed its peacekeepers into Darfur.


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