Culturally Responsive Pre-school Education

Culturally Responsive Pre-school Education
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Язык: Русский
Culturally Responsive Pre-school Education: Multicultural Malaysia on a Small Scale By Nordin Mamat. This book addresses the issue of multi-ethnic pre-school setting, offering early childhood education resource, covering subjects such as: culturally responsive pre-school education; presenting the theoretical and conceptual framework of multi-ethnic pre-school; children’s social behaviour and how children relate to each other; and how the pre-school ethos nurtures children’s behaviour and affected their relationships. This book provides a powerful argument on culturally responsive pre-school and constructed a model of an ecological study of a Malaysian multi-ethnic pre-school. Review of this book: Dr Mamat’s timely work will be of interest to teachers and students and researchers of education, in Malaysia and world-wide. His in-depth and scholarly interpretation of the perspectives and views of children, teacher and parents on children‘s behaviour helps to shed light on how education systems respond to the needs of culturally diverse populations. Professor Geri Smyth, School of Education, University of Strathclyde, Scotland, United Kingdom.


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