Determinants of Employees' Core Value Behavior:Iran Perspective

Determinants of Employees' Core Value Behavior:Iran Perspective
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Язык: Русский
This study is an empirical study with the purpose of determining the significant determinants of employees’ core value behavior in the Iranian banking industry. The problem statement in this study is employees' core value behavior(CVB) in the Iranian banking industry and with bringing into discussion that CVB is a function of core value A/B and C. we have three-problem statement which are CVB A, CVB B and CVB C. The model of the study is about CVB A, CVB B and CVB C and the same set of their determinants such as attitude towards core value A/B and C, role model behavior A/B and C, role satisfaction A/B and C, structural support A/ B and C and procedural support A/B and C. We based our methodology on quantitative approach and a survey was conducted including 176 questionnaires. The findings support that in the Iranian banking industry: For CVB A, procedural support A and structural support A are the two most significant or salient determinants. For CVB B, procedural support B and structural support B are the two most significant or salient determinants. For CVB C, structural support C and role model behavior C are the two most significant or salient determinants.


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