Determinants of Prevalence & Intervention to Prevent of Child Obesity

Determinants of Prevalence & Intervention to Prevent of Child Obesity
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Pediatric overweight is an especially severe problem because its childhood onset increases the overall length of exposure to the detrimental effects of overweight, accelerates the onset of chronic disease, and affects children’s physical, psychological, and social development. Several parental traits have been shown to be associated with an increased risk for childhood overweight. In our study, entitled “Determinants of the Prevalence and Intervention to Prevent of Child Obesity”, we quantified the mutual effects of environmental, parental education and income on the risk of obesity in a large population-based sample. The results of this study provide important information for health educators. We have identified the children of highly educated, income parents as a group to be targeted for overweight prevention and intervention efforts. Parents who are at higher SES may be warned that not only is their own health at stake but their children is also at increased risk for obesity and their associated diseases. We also added the interventions to prevention of child obesity with various systematic methods, which much help to individual, family base and also school programmes.


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