Environmental impact assessment of wastewater irrigation

Environmental impact assessment of wastewater  irrigation
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Язык: Русский
The utilization of wastewater for irrigation offers many benefits but the long term sustainability needs to be ascertained for furthur promoting and this requires a multidisciplinary approach. An attempt in this regard has been made with respect to treated paper mill effluent irrigation and documented. The various aspects considered are the characteristics of the treated paper mill effluents and its suitability for irrigation, the long term effect on soil physical and chemical properties, nutrient availability, heavy metal accumulation in the soil, the changes in land use using GIS and remote sensing , the ground water quality in the effluent irrigated field using modeling , river water quality adjacent to the paper mill and above all the socio–economic condition and perception of the beneficiary farmers. This book would be useful for the environmentalists, scientists, students and water specialists especially working in the broader area of wastewater irrigation


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