Environmental Problems and Solutions in Africa

Environmental Problems and Solutions in Africa
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Environmental problems are one of the main challenges on the African continent in the 21st century. Focus is gradually shifting from politics, wars, HIV- Aids, and poverty to environmental issues. Africa has contributed less than any other region to greenhouse gas emissions that are widely held responsible for global warming, but the continent is also the most vulnerable to the consequences. Environmental challenges are aggravated by population growth in Africa, at approximately 2.2% annually; sub-Saharan Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing populations. By the year 2025 the population of Africa is estimated to be over a billion. This means that environmental problems could double or triple. Like increased populations, poverty, another major problem on the African continent, also leads to a greater exploitation of natural resources for survival, and this worsens the environmental problems with the degradation of agriculture and arable lands, and mismanagement of available water resources The socioeconomic impact of environmental deterioration on Africa continues to pose a major problem to development, sustainability and health.


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