Essential Elements Of Career Counselling

Essential Elements Of Career Counselling
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Stead and Harrington state: ‘The world is fast becoming a global village and the problems surrounding work in one country are often issues in other countries. Unemployment, career indecision, career decision making, work adjustment, and career education, among others, need attention in all countries.’ Essential Elements of Career Counselling is written in a way that is practical and is intended to be a guide for starting a career-counselling centre within a post-secondary setting. The ideas contained in this book are relevant to both young and older. It is basically consists of four objectives : (a) helping individuals to gain greater self-awareness in areas such as interests, values, abilities, and personality style, (b) connecting students to resources so that they can become more knowledgeable about jobs and occupations, (c)engaging students in the decision-making process in order that they can choose a career path that is well suited to their own interests, values, abilities and personality style, and (d) ) assisting individuals to be active managers of their career paths as well as becoming lifelong learners in the sense of professional development over the lifespan.


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