Europeanisation and Security Sector Reform

Europeanisation and Security Sector Reform
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Язык: Русский
The EU has played a significant role in resolution of the political turmoil and in security sector reform in various parts of the world and has undertaken various strategies to promote change in the countries undergoing democratisation. This book examines the EU’s role in the case of Macedonia, a western Balkan country that has undergone democratisation and transformation since the collapse of former Yugoslavia in 1991. The book examines Europeanisation processes, focusing on securitisation or stabilisation, democratisation and association. The conclusion of the book is that EU conditionality combined with the socialisation tools and support programmes, has been instrumental factor that has shaped the EU influence in the country and turned Macedonia into the recipient of the Europeanisation effects. The book shows that the Europeanisation concept was important element in understanding the changes seen in Macedonia. The book should help shed some light on the role of the EU in democratisation and security sector reform processes, and should be especially useful to professionals in EU studies and Europeanisation fields, or anyone else interested on Balkan affairs.


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