Evaluation of Literacy Skills of Hearing-Impaired Children

Evaluation of Literacy Skills of Hearing-Impaired Children
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Язык: Русский
Planned preschool activities that support the development of reading and other language-related skills contribute significantly to children’s communication skills, concept acquisition, vocabulary, and literacy skills. The aim of the present study was to assess the development of literacy skills among hearing-impaired children receiving auditory/oral education during their preschool period. The study was designed as a case study. The participants were two hearing-impaired children, two teachers, and the researcher. During the study, pairing-sequencing activities and big books were used in individualized reading sessions. The study results demonstrated that the students were able to effectively use their knowledge regarding the form of words and letters to identify the meaning of words and to read and understand sentences. However, based on the study results, it is possible to say that the children who participated in this study also need to be provided with various activities that will contribute to their syntax and semantic skills. Such activities are necessary to allow them to acquire new knowledge and language experiences by using their literacy skills.


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