Finding The Key to The Secret Garden of Reading

Finding The Key to The Secret Garden of Reading
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Язык: Русский
The aim of this book is to communicate to those concerned with language teaching and to share some ideas on different reading approaches, especially with focus on extensive reading and the use of graded readers in the second language classroom. Different approaches to reading and vocabulary learning is presented and evaluated throughout the book in an attempt to "provide a theoretical and pedagogical foundation for the premise that extensive reading should be an integral part of reading instruction in the second language classroom”. Students developing positive attitudes and an inner motivation for reading in a second language will experience the pleasure of reading and be encouraged to continue reading. Just like the characters in Frances Hodgson Burnett’s novel planted seeds in the secret hidden garden and watched it come alive with beauty, the students finding the pleasure and beauty of reading would want to read more and more. For each book read a new “seed” is planted in the readers very own secret garden of reading, and this hidden garden within will become more and more beautiful by each passing day. Extensive reading can be the key to the secret garden of reading!


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