Food Poverty

Food Poverty
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Язык: Русский
Pakistan with a population of approximately 160.9 million in the mid 2011 is the 6th most populous country in the world. The population size of Pakistan has increased ten times since 1990. On the other hand, the food prices have also been increased continuously, so it is difficult for policy makers to ignore the impact of different variables on Pakistan’s food poverty dynamics. Keeping in view the paramount importance the present study was therefore designed to explore the factors which affect the small farmers related to food poverty and to explore the extent of food poverty. It is hoped that information generated by this study could be helpful in identifying the extent of food poverty, drawing appropriate conclusions and advancing valuable suggestions to overcome the problem. Further, this book should serve as a useful text for the students of agricultural economics and also as a rich resource for the researchers. This edition is expected to make an interesting reading for the planners, policy makers, administrators and leaders in the political and agricultural fields and who wish to be familiar with the economic problems.


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