Global Peace and Conflict Management

Global Peace and Conflict Management
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The book offers brilliant new thinking and powerful scholarly visions to manage complex and changing global crisis situations. Dr.Mahboob A.Khawaja shares global knowledge and experiences to spearhead the interests of Man,Humanity and the Universe-embodied globalization-the citizenry whose interests the rulers and scholars encroach in hollow models of peace and crisis management.Fearing unthinkable consequences to perpetuated animosity of wars,Western leaders are sucking out Man's moral and spiritual values to crave catastrophic future.Arnold Toynbee calls warriors as dreamers and Hans Morganthau would define them cruel monsters. Globalization is people not rulers. Mankind needs navigational change and security not nuclear disasters and global warming as time bombs in waiting.The Humanity looks to scholars of new ideas to solve the problems, logically argues Dr.Mahboob –“Man and Humanity in Search of New Thinking”, citizenry the nucleus of globalization to reshape ANEW future of peace and conflict resolution.Enjoining optimism and political imagination,Dr.Khawaja articulates Man's moral and spiritual strength a Model of rational forces in One World of peace and sustainable future


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