Guidance,counseling & Attitudes Towards Sexual Behavior Among Students

Guidance,counseling & Attitudes Towards Sexual Behavior Among Students
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Язык: Русский
Increase in sexual behaviour among adolescents today has come with grave consequences which include an increase in adolescent pregnancies, single parenting, abortion, sexually transmitted diseases and increased prevalence of HIV/AIDS. Stake holders in education agree that the remedy lies in guidance and counselling. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the impact of the guidance and counselling on attitudes towards sexual behaviour among students in secondary schools. Survey research was done in selected secondary schools in Nakuru Municipality with a sample of 160 students in 8 selected schools arrived at through stratified and proportionate random sampling. A questionnaire with a test on attitudes towards sexual behaviour was used to collect data. Descriptive statistics was used to analyze the data using SPSS version 12. Results indicated that the input variables namely guidance and counselling programmes, students’ perceptions of the guidance and counselling programmes, students’ sources sources of guidance/information and the content covered in the guidance and counselling programmes had insignificant effects on the student’s attitudes towards sexual behaviour


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