Inheritance of yield components and oil content in Indian mustard

Inheritance of yield components and oil content in Indian mustard
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Язык: Русский
The book entitled “Inheritance of yield components & oil content in Indian mustard” is a research work and can be used as a reference book for the student and researcher in the context of Plant Sciences. This book consists of Topics on evaluation of Indian mustard basic breeding to find out the gene action for better production of oil and yield. White rust genetics study in a thorough way in this book. This research can show the path for new resistant variety development process against the white rust of Indian mustard and will help the young researcher to perform science with art of breeding. Chapters are well explained like materials and methods, thorough review on the subject and showed the importance by well explained introduction. This study can help to encounter climate change address by crop improvement measures. It is interesting to see the experimental findings are well explained by charts, tables and graphs. Discussion is the motivating chapters in which it is concluded that white rust resistance is governed by single dominant gene and developed material may used as pre-breeding lines for further work.


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