International marketing- Global Perspective

International marketing- Global Perspective
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The book is based on years of teaching and research in the field of marketing and more specifically in international marketing. Among all the books that I have interacted with in this field I feel that we can simplify the approach and learning outcomes for the students by offering them a more precise book and title that elaborates the happenings that define international and global marketing. This book explores the International Economic and Financial Environment, the rationale for International Marketing, catering for the Cultural and social environment of International Business and how to avoid the pitfalls of the International political and legal environment. I have further delved in to the area of researching International markets, International market selection and Entry, Gaining competitive advantage, International Competitive marketing strategies. In the Global context today business thrives because of relationships, networks and strategic alliances and our ability as firms to modifying products for overseas markets is one of the factors that leads to competitive advantage. I have also endeavored to address the other P’s in relation to international marketing.


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