Legal and Regulatory Framework for Decommissioning in Ghana

Legal and Regulatory Framework for Decommissioning in Ghana
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Язык: Русский
The expensive nature of decommissioning and Ghana’s new entry into petroleum production business makes an examination of Ghana’s legal and regulatory framework on decommissioning imperative. Using what the authors referred to as the 'LCEFE Framework', the authors examine the various domestic (including contractual agreements) and international hard and soft laws on decommissioning in Ghana with a view to determining its compliance with the requirements for a sustainable decommissioning regime. The book has a very broad perspective as it also examines the international regime on decommissioning with reference also made to the United Kingdom’s regime on offshore decommissioning. The book is relevant to a wide range of audience such as government officials, institutions, non-governmental organisations in Ghana and other countries interested in the petroleum industry and environmental regulation,oil and gas companies, policy makers, think tanks, international and local financial institutions involved in petroleum project financing, petroleum and environmental academics, scholars, practitioners, students, and all those interested in the petroleum industry and environmental regulation.


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