Memory: Of Things Remembered… and Forgotten

Memory: Of Things Remembered… and Forgotten
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Язык: Русский
If you have ever spent twenty minutes searching for your car keys only to find them in your front pocket, you know that memory processes are not infallible. Several factors influence whether we will retain or forget new information. While you cannot alter all of these factors to improve retention, modifying some lifestyle habits may boost your memory. The research discovers that some factors directly affect memory retention and retrieval in humans including Age, Gender and Smoking. Whereas the research also proves to be the last nail on the coffin of reality by ending the debate on the issue that qualification, work experience, income, job level, marital status and reading newspaper have any effect on memory retention. Towards the end the book recommends some finest documentaries and top memory sharpening skills that will help you improve your memory retention and retrieval. This book makes use of diagrams wherever possible to bring out a richer picture of the text. The Illustrations present the text in a more attractive, clear and concise fashion for the readers. Have a good read!


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