No Longer Down Under? Students from India in Higher Education Abroad

No Longer Down Under? Students from India in Higher Education Abroad
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Язык: Русский
The global market of higher education is growing at a rapid pace. Prospective graduate students in engineering have more options – domestically and internationally – than ever before. At this moment, the international scene of engineering graduate programs continues to shift and expand. This book analyzes the decision-making processes of students from India who pursue graduate education in Australia and the United States of America. In this setting, decision-making processes of student choice were examined after study participants selected higher education institutions in Australia and the U.S. The research question: why do graduate degree-seeking engineering students from India pursue studies in the United States and Australia? In addressing this central question, this book seeks to understand the decision-making processes of students from India by undertaking a multi-methodological approach to the study of selection and choice of graduate institutions abroad.


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