Nonviolent Transformation of Socio-cultural Conflict

Nonviolent Transformation of Socio-cultural Conflict
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Язык: Русский
Unresolved conflict can escalate and result in unimagined destruction of lives and property. But if constructively addressed, through a process involving good analysis, planning, implementation and learning, the conflict can get transformed into creative opportunities. Hence this book, which focuses on equity in relation to conflicts that result from gender discrimination with specific emphasis on land property rights in an African society. It is a significant empirical, qualitative investigation into such conflicts. The book has showcased innovative research with triangulating methods and how qualitative research data should be presented - reflecting clearly the voices of the participants and researcher’s appropriate commentary. Its Transcend workshops were of particular interest, illustrating how, in the conflict resolution field the same interventions can simultaneously work as conflict management and data-gathering. This book makes a positive contribution to the field of conflict resolution and peacebuilding in Africa and beyond, given the widespread nature of similar discrimination. Its relevance in political economics and international relations has also been acclaimed.


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