Novel diagnostic serum parameters in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Novel diagnostic serum parameters in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma
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Despite tremendous advances in the diagnosis and the management of oral cancers, this group of cancers is considered to be the one with the highest mortality as well morbidity rates with the diagnostic adjuncts which are used to aid an early diagnosis of oral cancers either suffering from a lack of sensitivity in the initial stages of the processes leading to frank oral cancers or suffering from a setback of not being so cost effective. In addition, biopsy, which is considered to be the gold standard in the diagnosis of oral cancers, suffers from the reliability of an appropriate site for the obtainment of the specimen to be conclusive depending largely on the area of the tumour sampled and the individual pathologist’s criteria for evaluation. The introduction of the concept of the field of cancerization further questions the significance of biopsy results. The role of biochemical markers, on the other hand, comes out to be a convincing and early, enough evidence of the changes taking place in the body eventually turning out to develop into frank malignant degenerations. Hence, the present study was planned.


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