Organizational Commitment in Nepalese Commercial Banks

Organizational Commitment in Nepalese Commercial Banks
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Commitment of the employees can be an important instrument for improving the performance of organizations. A number of researchers have established the relationship between HR practices and employee performance however that is mainly discussed in developed countries. This study has conducted to fill the gap between developed and country like Nepal. Overall study proves that HR credibility of organization in Nepal is poor. Since, HR motivation dimensions are been realized by most of the banking but it lacks in implication and centralized only in Kathmandu valley for their major decisions to make in every levels. The aim of this study is to investigate the existence of relationships between components of psychological climate as “How various factors influence the levels of commitment and how that commitment will effect in the output levels?” Interestingly, these many factors are not empirically tested in Nepalese banking context. Organizations should consider the determinants of organizational commitment and ensure that these issues be addressed in their Human Resource (HR) strategies. So, the studies of factors affecting commitment will help organization in their HR strategies.


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