Oriental Cover-Up: A Novel

Oriental Cover-Up: A Novel
Раздел: CreateSpace
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Язык: Русский
What you hold in your hands dear readers is a book written by an author, a writer, a newspaper reporter. I am that person, who is better known in literally circles as the ghost writer of the stars. This book begins and ends on this one extraordinary night, a night like no others. The night was the one I got the biggest exclusive of my career. It is a story which centers around one man, Joseph Kabir. He is the same man who has committed the greatest crime of this century. But you are puzzled! You have never heard of a Joseph Kabir. There’s a reason for that. The story was never released, that is, until today with the publication of this book. Kabir, who was he? How do I describe him? Impossible. I cannot begin to understand how the mind of that lunatic works. A complete puzzle, that’s him, a man who exists as a riddle to be understood only by those who deal in riddles. The night of his crime when Kabir was captured, I was there. For some reason I do not understand, I was singled out for the exclusive. I know it doesn’t make sense, but nothing surrounding the person of Kabir makes sense. Nothing that he ever told me makes sense. His existence in general is senseless. What else can I say about Kabir? Read for yourself. What is about to unfold was told to me mostly from Kabir’s very own mouth. I make no attempt to analyze it or make put it in a format to make sense of it. I just give it to you the way it was given to me. Good luck.


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