Parents of Children with Autism

Parents of  Children with Autism
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Язык: Русский
The research study presented in this book is an attempt to describe and understand parents’ experiences, perceptions and expectations of their interactions and relationships with occupational therapists who provide services to their children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Through a phenomenological qualitative research design, in-depth interviews with twelve families helped unfold their views about services, their satisfaction and suggestions. Parents identify difficulties in communication as counterproductive and obstructive in facilitating the parent-therapist relationship. When therapists demonstrate consistency, breadth of knowledge, collaborative spirit and respect for the child, the family and the family’s sociocultural circumstances, interventions are viewed in a positive light. While navigating the health care system parents experience a transformation of their belief systems leading them to feel enabled, empowered, and in control. Occupational therapy is identified as an indispensable part of the children's intervention programs, while parents expect therapists to be: “direct, yet gentle and sensitive; and optimistic, yet realistic”.


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