Political and Social-Economic Tensions in France (1944-1947)

Political and Social-Economic Tensions in France (1944-1947)
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The work “Political and social-economic tensions in the post-war France, 1944-1947”, is of great importance for the history of the French people. After the period between 1939 – 1944, when the institutions of the French state collapsed, there started a period of searches, political, economic and social tensions, there have been submitted huge efforts to give back to France and to the French people the grandeur of its own history, to reset the country where it belonged, among the large powers of the world. Many pages of the book are assigned to the way in which the events between 1944 and 1947 from Romania were reflected in the documents of the French legation from Bucharest. I express my hope for the fact that this work will be proved useful to all those interested to the history of France, especially the Romanian-French relationships in the 20th century.


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