Practical Manual of Veterinary Obstetrics

Practical Manual of Veterinary Obstetrics
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Язык: Русский
The practical training of veterinary students in Animal Reproduction especially in obstetrics are imperative. The prominent role of animals in their production largely depends upon their normal reproduction. There is paucity of manuals in the field of Animal Reproduction for the undergraduate students of Veterinary Sciences. This practical manual on obstetrics has been brought out with a view to help the veterinary students on applying obstetrical procedures in animals and to handle them in the possible manner. The curriculum has been divided into 24 practical’s with maximum possible details to help the students in understanding the different obstetrical problems, ultrasonographic diagnosis of different reproductive disorders and possible solution of problems by the application of different techniques. These experiments should be followed in a specific sequence, one after the other, if a systematic approach has to be developed in the students working in this field.


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