Production and Policy of Biofuels

Production and Policy of Biofuels
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Increasing oil prices and more dependency to usage fuel, depleting fossil fuels and growing concern about climate change forces countries to produce more biofuels and taking policies that can stimulate its productions and consumptions. EU, US and Brazil set their production targets to increase the shares of biofuels consumption. This study explores the impacts of biofuels productions and its related issues after considering the biofuels policies in different countries. The informations were collected only from secondary sources. Productions and consumptions of biofuels, FFV user’s rate, and FF stations were taken to analyze the impacts of policies on productions level. Though countries biofuel targets are quite ambitious and EU already failed to reach 2005’s target, still a matter of hope that biofuels productions and consumptions are increasing. But the productions of biofuels have negative impacts on agricultural land use, high amount of water withdrawal and food prices. So policy makers of these countries should think about these new issues and give more emphasis on R&D policies.


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