Professional Attitude Towards Information Technology

Professional Attitude Towards Information Technology
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Язык: Русский
Librarian’s attitudes are critical in determining the levels of IT application. However, there is a lack of studies on librarians’ attitudes towards IT application. This book investigated the attitudes of librarians towards application of IT in college librarians in Gadchiroli District in India. Findings indicated that confidence in IT application, ownership of IT application, level of IT knowledge, fears of IT, IT training, IT-based rules and regulations, librarians’ dynamism and potential as an innovation enabler were key determinants of librarians’ attitudes. Librarians were not fully involved in IT related decision-making processes. Libraries were not fully automated, it is imperative that the librarians’ overall positive attitudes be leveraged to further increase the libraries’ potential to acquire and use new technologies through adequate training, financial resources, effective decision making role, and management’s trust. The findings of this study could be used to assess and address the affects of different variables on librarians’ attitudes, increase the positive attitudes toward IT and envisage its implications for library development.


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