Reinvigorating Antitrust Enforcement in Obama’s Second Term

Reinvigorating Antitrust Enforcement in Obama’s Second Term
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Язык: Русский
The current work analysis the Obama administration’s policies on antitrust enforcement and delivers evidence on how the Obama administration has reinvigorated antitrust enforcement in his presidential terms. Furthermore, a foundation of strategic thinking in terms of antitrust enforcement is established, whereby organizations and firms can create solutions, which will serve the society and themselves. Thus, the ability to think holistically is not a luxury that firms want to afford; it has achieved actually the status of being essential to survivability. The new strategic thinking based on the alignment of the interests of the society with the firms ambitions to growth and the achieving of a sustainable position of competitive advantage can create a solid win-win situation, where firms and corporations are not the very part of the problem but moreover a vital contributor to the society’s well-being. It is precisely here, where the role of antitrust enforcement can play a solid role not by restricting growth but actually by being a solid force to enhance growth in a society.


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