Renewable Energy System Modelling and Techno-Economic Analysis

Renewable Energy System Modelling and Techno-Economic Analysis
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Язык: Русский
The depletion of non-renewable energy resources, the fast growing energy demand of the world and the sky-shooting price of petroleum with the threat of global warming to our planet Earth should be everyone’s concern to rely on Renewable Energy Resources. This book deals with the study of available renewable energy resources for the region under consideration. Then area dependent models are developed for potential resources estimation. The electrical power transmission line from the national grid to the area is designed, economically analyzed and compared with the proposed Renewable Energy System of wind turbine/solar PV/diesel generator/boiler. Sensitivity analysis is also made for solar panel and diesel future possible price. As the result dictates, the proposed Renewable Energy System is by far cost effective, insensitive to sensitivity variables, stable and pollution free than any other system presented for comparison in this book.


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