Resurrection of Jesus

Resurrection of Jesus
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Язык: Русский
One objective of this book is to prove that the Resurrection of Jesus actually occurred. In order to accomplish this purpose, this book contains eight chapters on the Resurrection. Chapter 1 examines the various accounts of the Resurrection, which study seeks to disarm those who assert that there are contradictions in the Gospels. On the other hand, Chapter 2 surveys the significance of the third day as a defense for the genuineness of His Resurrection. Chapter 3 inspects the numerous New Testament documents concerning the evidence for the empty grave. Chapter 4 surveys the numerous opinions concerning the reality of the Resurrection. How do we know that the Resurrection records are facts rather than fiction? Chapters 5 reviews the disciples’ initial doubts about the authenticity for Jesus’ Resurrection. Chapter 6 presents testimony to justify the disciples’ change from unbelief to belief in the veracity of the historical Resurrection. Finally, Chapter 7 observes Christ’s victory over the grave and its implications for the believer. Chapter 8 reviews His triumph over physical death and our response to the authenticity of the Resurrection.


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