Rhetoric of Aristotle in "Lifelong Education"

Rhetoric of Aristotle in "Lifelong Education"
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a.The relation between Aristotle’s rhetoric and lifelong education can contribute to the solution of the problems, which the united Europe confronts in the 21st century. b.This study is divided into eight chapters with the aim to show the connection between rhetoric and lifelong education. The three first chapters refer to the function of the rhetorical language and the relationship between rhetoric and dialectic. In the other five chapters what is revealed is the relationship between rhetoric and modern visual rhetoric, the importance of the technical method of rhetoric in education and the communication between educators and trainees in field of counseling. Rhetorical education forms active citizens and is an instrument of education in lifelong education, which prepares a trainee in a democratic society. Aristotle’s rhetoric can help the modern European citizen to define his identity and human dimension. c. Sotiria, A. Triantari


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