Scientometric study of research output in chemistry

Scientometric study of research output in chemistry
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Due to lack of detailed information about the research output of the academic institution, the present-day’s policy makers face serious problems in making policies for the development of academic institutions, particularly because of limited budget and world-wide inflation. Such measurement of research output is needed for decisions about professionals and resource allocations. Measures of research productivity at national level support government decisions on setting priorities in funding. With increasing competitive allocation of research funding and declining public funds for higher education, institutes around the world are facing increasing pressure to produce research outputs. Worldwide, scientometric study is becoming a more powerful instrument of science policy, determining to a great extent the way of a project and institutional funding by assessment of priorities, perspectives and capacity. This book will prove to be useful in understanding various facets of research in an institutions. This book is very useful for policy makers, faculty members, researcher.


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