Sustainable Development Measures

Sustainable Development Measures
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Язык: Русский
This book makes an attempt to review the efforts done towards sustainable development by Navi Mumbai Municipal Corporation, an urban local body for Navi Mumbai, the planned city in Maharashtra state, India. The book is structured into six chapters. Chapter one includes the initiatives towards sustainable urban development in India. The second chapter focuses on the measures implemented in Navi Mumbai city. The next two chapters being analytical examine stakeholders’ responses towards the environmental management measures and present a Cost Benefit Analysis with impact evaluation of these measures respectively. The fifth chapter computes an Environment Performance Index for the city. The sixth and the concluding chapter of the book summarizes the major findings and policy recommendations. This book will be a very useful read for research scholars, students, voluntary organizations, industry, administrators and researchers in the area of environmental economics and urban studies. The writing style being simple and lucid, it can also be an interesting non-academic read for all interested in the dynamics of sustainable urban development.


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