Telemedicine Solutions in Resource-poor Settings

Telemedicine Solutions in Resource-poor Settings
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Язык: Русский
The World Health Organization‘s (WHO) Health for All strategy recommends WHO and its member states to “…integrate the appropriate use of health telematics in the overall policy and strategy for the attainment of health for all in the 21st century, thus fulfilling the vision of a world in which the benefits of science, technology and public health development are made equitably available to all people everywhere” (WHO 1998). There are ongoing attempts in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) to successfully develop telemedicine solutions with the ultimate goal of improving access to quality healthcare. The requirements and critical success factors of these solutions must be thoroughly examined. The author has assessed the ability of telemedicine solutions to support healthcare system governance in Ghana and Nigeria. This book is intended for both researchers and experts in Telemedicine and eHealth, who are particularly interested in the African continent and how to support the development of telecommunication technology for healthcare. It is also intended for politicians and policy makers in SSA who want to significantly impact the governance of their healthcare systems.


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