The Challenges Facing the Museum in Kenya in the Modern Times

The Challenges Facing the Museum in Kenya in the Modern Times
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The museum in Kenya originally was started by the colonial settlers and naturalists who needed a place to keep and preserve their collections of various specimens. This lend to the formation of east Africa and Uganda natural history society (presently the nature Kenya) in 1910. The pioneers of such an initiation being the late Dr Louis Leakey, who at the time (in 1940s and 1950s) saw the challenges then being that of expansion and enlargement of the museum galleries. He and others campaigned for the eradication of such early challenges by making public appeal for funds. Furthermore, museums in the modern age have grown and diversified in synchrony with other aspects of life like religion, social and political aspects as its audience. Consequently, the challenges facing them today also diversified as they strive to keep to their purpose of ; investigating, preserving, and exhibiting the various elements of natural history material culture from scant cultural heritage found in Kenya , enhancing public education on Kenya’s natural and cultural heritage , properly housing , caring and cataloging specimens material culture from Kenya.


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