The Impact of Audios and Visuals in the EFL Classes

The Impact of Audios and Visuals in the EFL Classes
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Язык: Русский
This Research Monograph is a little effort from the authors on "The Impact of Audios and Visuals in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) Classes at the Tertiary Level in Bangladesh. In recent years, Audio and Visual aids have begun to play an important role in language learning process distinctively in foreign language learning all over the world. Learning to use the Audio and Visual technologies, as a prodigy and innovative tools, provides a strong motivation for learning English as a foreign language. Basically, Audio-visual technology has made an evolution in language learning approaches and seems to fit with the current trend of language learning. It offers enormous opportunities and advantages for English learners in the outside world, so the possibilities are also endless in Bangladesh for our learners. It is very encouraging that currently Bangladesh is experiencing a technological "boom," and students desire to be a part of it. That is why, the impact and influence of Audio and Visuals in fostering EFL learners’ skill development in Bangladesh cannot be overstated.


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