The Impact of Child Labour on Children’s Welfare

The Impact of Child Labour on Children’s Welfare
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This study focused on the impact of child labour on children’s welfare in tobacco growing areas in Uganda. The child labourers’ health, education and social development has been tremendously affected thereby affecting their optimal developmental background as children, which has in turn denied them the opportunity to prepare and equip themselves academically, socially, and emotionally for the future. Even the existing policies and laws that protect child labour in Uganda have not been applied in reality in that they inadequately address child rights issues which deny them the opportunity to live as children and have not afforded them equal access to opportunities as compared to other sectors in Uganda. If government sensitised society to the laws and policies related to child labour and set up rules and regulations to guide the implementation of these laws and policies, it is certain that children would not fall victims of child labour. Unless a concerted effort is made by stakeholders to address this problem, especially its root causes such as poverty and food insecurity, the goal to eliminate child labour will be impossible to achieve.


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