The Other Gender’s Human Right to Primary Education: A Study

The Other Gender’s Human Right to Primary Education: A Study
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Язык: Русский
The present book primarily deals with the human right to women’s education, with special status given to her primary education. It highlights the involvement made by the international and Indian feminist movement in the area. It also deals with various international conventions and laws which impart the women right to education, with special role played by the United Nations. It gives an elaborate account of laws made on the female education at various international and Indian Levels. A part of book will also converse the historical movement of women education witnessed in India before and after independence. It will critically discuss various Indian laws which give exceptional consideration to girl child’s education and the proficient role played by the Indian Judiciary. It also narrates the new developments made by India Government, by inserting article in Indian Constitution (Article 21-A) and making new Right to Education Act in the country, to impart better, free and quality education to all within the country. The work winds up with certain sub-montions to rein in the lacunae in the present field of primary education of girl child.


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