Third Party Intervention at The ICJ: Problems and Prospects

Third Party Intervention at The ICJ: Problems and Prospects
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Respect for the rights of third parties in international adjudication is necessary if the ideal of a war-less world is to be realized. Hence, every affected party must be catered for in any international adjudicatory scheme. The term “intervention” in international procedure describes the mode through which a third State participates, for protection of its own interests, in an international proceeding already set in motion at the instance of two or more States2. The Statute and the Rules of the International Court of Justice make provisions for third party intervention.The institution of third party intervention serves a paramount goal. It seeks to safeguard third party rights, thereby, making third parties a part of the process of pacific settlement of international disputes. Nevertheless, the unpalatable truth is that there is nothing satisfactory about the institution of third party intervention at the International Court of Justice. There is need for reform. This book is an excellent reference material for students and practitioners of international law.


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