Women, Nature and Care

Women, Nature and Care
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Feminist Family Therapy needs a new way to address the imbalance of power that persists in relationships between the sexes. This study is concerned to expand the feminist critique of the psychotherapeutic discipline of Family Therapy by the application of an ecofeminist ethic of care to the theory and practice of the field. This book traces the connection of women and nature throughout the history of Western, rationalist thought and outlines the possibilities for the re-conceptualization of the categories of ‘reason’ and ‘nature’. The resulting ethical system both critiques and expands traditional and feminist ethics. It is suggested that justice and care are distinct modes of moral reasoning which nonetheless function in a dialectical relationship, one that can directly address the “gender dilemma”. An ecofeminist model of family therapy utilizes not only reason and justice but also nature and care to reshape a therapeutic conversation which has equality as its goal.This book is not only for psychotherapists, students of gender studies and feminist ethicists but also for women and men who wish to move from a troubled relationship to one that is emotionally satisfying.


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