Women Perception on Violence and Discrimination in Bangladesh

Women Perception on Violence and Discrimination in Bangladesh
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The book entitled ‘Women Perception on Violence and Discrimination in Bangladesh’ is produced on the basis of the findings of baseline survey, which was carried out as an integral part of the ‘Promotion of Human Rights for Preventing Violence and Discrimination against Women and Girls (PPVD)’ project in specific areas of Pathorghata and Barguna Sadar Upazilas of Barguna District in Bangladesh. The overall objective of this research was to develop and measure a set of quantitative and qualitative indicators regarding nature and extent of violence against women and girls, and community understanding to prevent all forms of violence against women and girls. Regarding this, the survey adopted both quantitative and qualitative approaches in designing the instruments for collation of all necessary data and information by assessing the perception and understanding of community people, particularly women and girls in relation to the prevailing nature of violence and discriminations and its local dynamics.


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