Методика планирования нал.поступлений в территориальных нал.органах
Раздел: Налоговая практика
Язык: Русский
Наращивание налоговых доходов федерального, региональных и местных бюджетов является важнейшей задачей налоговых реформ, поскольку увеличение налогового потенциала во времени воплощается в прирост дох ...
Virtual Worlds and Tax Deductions - A South African Perspective
Раздел: Налоговая практика
Язык: Русский
The arrival of the Internet and the World Wide Web has had a radical impact on commerce and people’s ability to interact virtually. Through these channels various new methods of earning income have be ...
Predictive Software Measures Based on Formal Z Specifications
Раздел: Информационные технологии
Язык: Русский
The success of software development projects depends highly on meeting the assigned schedule and budget of the project which are often defined in terms of a project plan. Estimation is the basis for p ...
Grammatical Error Correction
Раздел: Информационные технологии
Язык: Русский
A large part of the world’s population regularly needs to communicate in English, even though English is not their native language. The goal of automatic grammatical error correction is to build com ...
Robust Localization and Mapping for Mobile Robotic Navigation
Раздел: Информационные технологии
Язык: Русский
How can mobile robot navigate autonomously without the knowledge of its own state of pose and the model of the surrounding environment? Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) is the mobile r ...