Медицинская литература

Reproductive and Productive performance of Holstein Friesian cows

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Язык: Русский
1745 recorded data were used to generate reproductive and productive traits of Holstein Friesian cows. The overall mean for reproductive traits were 43.14 ± 1.7 months, 514.33 ± 23.44 days, 236.71± 23 ...

Genetic variability and improvement in Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don

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Язык: Русский
Genetic variability is prerequisite feature for crop improvement programmes. Plant breeders are handicapped due to lack of availability or non-existence of adequate genetic variability. The induced mu ...

Psychology of You 2.0

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Язык: Русский
As kids, we were exposed to sexist, racist and violent cartoons and video games. We have been bombarded with images of thin females and hypermuscular males. Then we grew up and started to use Internet ...

Experience of Recovery Alcohol/Drugs

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Язык: Русский
This research is based on the ‘Lived Experiences’ of those who have been successful in their Recovery Journey. They were carefully screened and only chosen when it was clear they wanted to help others ...

Психология и педагогика художественного творчества:

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Язык: Русский
На современном этапе научный интерес и практическую ценность приобретает проблема формирования личности педагога как субъекта творческой деятельности. Монография отражает позиции различных ученых на п ...
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