Последние поступления
Antioxidant and Other Beneficial Effects of Indian Functional Foods
Раздел: Ботаника
Язык: Русский
In recent years, people of India have become more aware of health benefits and are interested in understanding the functional aspects of food. Indian medicine such as Ayurveda places emphasis on preve ...
Extraction and characterization of lectin from Indian seaweeds
Раздел: Ботаника
Язык: Русский
From the study on “Extraction, purification and characterization of haemagglutinin (lectin) of some Indian seaweeds”, 21 seaweeds (Bryopsis plumose, Caulerpa microphysa, C. racemosa, C. scalpelliformi ...
Brain Biogenic Amines in Diabetes
Раздел: Общая биология. Палеонтология
Язык: Русский
Catecholamine’s and Indoleamines level were studied in Striatum, hippocampus, hypothalamus, Midbrain, Pons Medulla, Cerebellum and Cerebral Cortex under alloxan-diabetic, glucose-induced-hyperglycaemi ...
A Glance Of Biodiversity From Seshachalam Hills, Andhra Pradesh, India
Раздел: Общая биология. Палеонтология
Язык: Русский
The Seshachalam Biosphere Reserve designated in 2011, these hill ranges are part of the Eastern Ghats lie between 13°38’ E and 13°55’N and 79°07’ and 79°24’E spread over Chittoor and Kadapah districts ...
Микрофлора и сердечно-сосудистая система в норме и при патологии
Раздел: Общая биология. Палеонтология
Язык: Русский
Влияние микрофлоры на физиологию организма можно считать доказанным фактом. Учитывая большой спектр биологических веществ, синтезируемых микроорганизмами, некоторые авторы считают микрофлору эндокринн ...